01. Explain software testing why is it important to conduct the testing of software
# Software testing is performed to verify that the completed software package functions according to the expectations defined by the requirements/specifications.
- Finding defects which may get created by the programmer while developing the software.
- Gaining confidence in and providing information about the level of quality.
- To make sure that the end result meets the business and user requirements.
- To ensure that it satisfies the BRS that is Business Requirement Specification and SRS that is System Requirement Specifications.
- To gain the confidence of the customers by providing them a quality product.
02. What is the purpose of acceptance testing? Explain it briefly
# Acceptance testing, a testing technique performed to determine whether or not the software system has met the requirement specifications. The main purpose of this test is to evaluate the system's compliance with the business requirements and verify if it is has met the required criteria for delivery to end users.
03. Describe in detail the importance of validation process of software development
- # Determining if the system complies with the requirements and performs functions for which it is intended and meets the organization’s goals and user needs.
- # Validation is done at the end of the development process and takes place after verification's are completed.
Question- 2
01. Who are the responsible persons to do the following types of testing
- System testing
- Acceptance testing (Ans user/customer)
- Integration testing (Ans Developer)
- Unit testing (Ans Developer)
02. Which test cases are written first: white boxes or black boxes ?explain your answer in brief
- # Normally black box test cases are written first and white box test cases later. In order to write black box test cases we need the requirement document and, design or project plan. All these documents are easily available at the initial start of the project. White box test cases cannot be started in the initial phase of the project because they need more architecture clarity which is not available at the start of the project. So normally white box test cases are written after black box test cases are written.
- # Black box test cases do not require system understanding but white box testing needs more structural understanding. And structural understanding is clearer in the later part of project, i.e., while executing or designing. For black box testing you need to only analyze from the functional perspective which is easily available from a simple requirement document.
03. Explain the v model of the software testing
- #Under V-Model, the corresponding testing phase of the development phase is planned in parallel. So there are Verification phases on one side of the .V. and Validation phases on the other side. Coding phase joins the two sides of the V Model
Question- 3
01. List down three (03) test case techniques used in software testing
Low Level
- Boundary Value Analysis (BVA)
- Equivalence Partitioning (EP)
- Special Value (SV)
- Error Based (EB)
- I/O Domain
High Level
- Decision Table (DT)
- Flow Chart (FC)
02. Write down five (05) best possible test case for a login system in yahoo page
#For testing the log-in page following are the possible scenarios:
- The design of login page is as per the specifications
- When the login page is opened the cursor is on the user name text box
- Validating the user name text box with the following conditions:
i. It accepts alphanumeric characters along with the special characters
ii. Checks whether only the special characters like _, space, - are allowed
iii. It accepts when only alphabets are given
iv. It does not accepts the numeric values alone
v. It does not accepts the void or null values
vi. When tab is pressed it goes to the password text box
vii. Checks whether the user name entered is available in the data base after the tab key is pressed
viii. Error message thrown for the wrong entry of user name
xi. When OK button in the error message is clicked the cursor should be on the
user name text box
4. Validating the password text box with the following conditions:
i. Should allow the entry of alphanumeric and special characters
ii. When the entry is made it should encrypt and display as "*" to the users
iii. When tab or entry key is pressed it should go to the next page of the
iv. When wrong password is entered and does not matches with the values in
the database the error message is thrown
v. When OK button in the error message is clicked the cursor should be on the
user name text box
# There may be more possible scenarios for testing this page....but these were the most common ones.
03. Explain the purpose of static Analysis.
- # Static analysis tools are generally used by developers as part of the development and component testing process. The key aspect is that the code (or other artifact) is not executed or run but the tool itself is executed, and the source code we are interested in is the input data to the tool.
- # These tools are mostly used by developers.
- # Static analysis tools for code can help the developers to understand the structure of the code, and can also be used to enforce coding standards.
Question- 4
01. What are the stages in the fundamental test process
# Testing is a process rather than a single activity. This process starts from test planning then designing test cases, preparing for execution and evaluating status till the test closure. So, we can divide the activities within the fundamental test process into the following basic steps:
1) Planning and Control
2) Analysis and Design
3) Implementation and Execution
4) Evaluating exit criteria and Reporting
5) Test Closure activities
02. Briefly explain the test analysis and design techniques
# Test analysis and Test Design has the following major tasks:
- To review the test basis. (The test basis is the information we need in order to start the test analysis and create our own test cases. Basically it’s a documentation on which test cases are based, such as requirements, design specifications, product risk analysis, architecture and interfaces. We can use the test basis documents to understand what the system should do once built.)
- To identify test conditions.
- To design the tests.
- To evaluate testability of the requirements and system.
- To design the test environment set-up and identify and required infrastructure and tools.
03. Describe the difference between regression testing and confirmation testing
# Re-Testing: After a defect is detected and fixed, the software should be retested to confirm that the original defect has been successfully removed. This is called Confirmation Testing or Re-Testing
# Regression testing: Testing your software application when it undergoes a code change to ensure that the new code has not affected other parts of the software.
Question- 5
01. What is the difference between alpha and beta testing
- # Alpha testing is a type of acceptance testing; performed to identify all possible issues/bugs before releasing the product to everyday users or public. The focus of this testing is to simulate real users by using black-box and white-box techniques. The aim is to carry out the tasks that a typical user might perform. Alpha testing is carried out in a lab environment and usually the testers are internal employees of the organization. To put it as simple as possible, this kind of testing is called alpha only because it is done early on, near the end of the development of the software, and before beta testing.
- # Beta Testing of a product is performed by "real users" of the software application in a"real environment" and can be considered as a form of external user acceptance testing.Beta version of the software is released to a limited number of end-users of the product to obtain feedback on the product quality. Beta testing reduces product failure risks and provides increased quality of the product through customer validation.
02. What does entry and exit criteria mean in a project? Explain them briefly
- #Entry criteria – It ensures that the proper environment is in place to start test process of a project e.g. All hardware/software platforms are successfully installed and functional, Test plan, test case are reviewed and signed off.
- #Exit Criteria - It ensures that the project is complete before exiting the test stage.E.g. Planned deliverable s are ready, High severity defects are fixed, Documentation is complete and updated.
03. “Functional and non-functional testing are important in accepting the system by system owners”. Justify this statements with relevant facts.
- #To the end system installation, development, usability, sanity, smoke, regression, destructive, recovery, automated, user Acceptance, Compatibility, Performance, Security and Accessibility are very important to the user that what the above statement is true these operations are under the Functional and non-functional testing
- #To the end validating the performance of application also important to the owners.